Jun 25Liked by Lauren Geertsen

Wow Lauren, great insight!!!

I have “felt” what you described when encountering women whose faces are filled with filler and Botox, it is very unnerving! I couldn’t get a “read” on them. Their faces are frozen with overblown lips that prevent natural movement when speaking. Smooth facial skin on top of a neck and body that show their true age😣 mRNA in Botox and fillers? Something to consider.

And why are they doing it… fear! 💯

Great information, thank you Lauren!!

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Jun 25Liked by Lauren Geertsen

Thank you Lauren - what a beautiful & heart-touching video. I'm 67 & have chosen not to put anything toxic into my body. I've been living a clean & sober lifestyle for 33+ years. Grateful my face/spirit/soul shares a story. My great-grandmother (had 13 children) lived until age 102 - a real natural beauty & powerful example. I'm aging gracefully with God as my guide ...

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Jun 25Liked by Lauren Geertsen

I am truly happy that I have never seen any of these beauty treatments for anything other than poison not only to the body but the mind as well as spirit/soul.

Now I am watching these women who used to hard sell me talk about how to remove it all and most took the shot /s too. I cannot imagine the horror of it all….

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Lauren Geertsen

I have a friend who is 39 (39! so young) and gets regular botox for her wrinkles and "threads" put in that lift her nasolabial folds. She spends thousands of dollars and has to make appointments every three months to keep up here appearance. I wish there was a way to send this video to her anonymously. She already thinks I'm "judgy" because I watch what I eat, prioritize sleep, move my body everyday and avoid toxic ingredients in any self-care items I use. And it shows. At 54 I am often told I could pass for being in my 30s. Which is totally not the point. The point is that I feel great, have lots of energy and my outer body reflects that.

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Thank you Lauren! You make me feel so much less alone in tying these “beauty” trends back to the spiritual war that uses transhumanism and synthetic biology for beyond sinister goals. I’m grateful to learn there are natural ways to stay young such as facial yoga, mewing, collagen and interoral facial pulling which I employ to look as young as I feel naturally, while embracing aging and wrinkles as a beautiful and gradual part of organic biological spiritual life! So grateful for your work 💓

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Look no further than the deformity of many famous celebrities who have done this to themselves. Their faces look grotesque.

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