If people want to experiment with mitigation products that's up to them, but please remember microwave radiation is toxic to all biological life which means wireless technology is not a sustainable technology - period. In other words, we need to dump it all in a skip and go back to plugging things in.

Wires (ethernet cables, landlines, house phones with curly cords etc) are really the only form of mitigation that works and will protect insects, birds, cats, dogs, cows, microbes in the soil, trees and humans.

Wireless technology is a planetary disease and like all diseases we have to address the cause and not just the symptoms. That means removing all cell towers, satellites, wifi routers and smartphones.

The sooner we accept this the faster we can get on with living, and the fewer species will have to go extinct. This is not just an issue which affects humans. It is killing all life on Earth.


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In the video, we discuss how the vibrational field produced by EMF Solutions neutralizes the harmful effects of EMFs. I assume it does this not just for human cells but also for animal cells -- I'll ask if they have information on that. Since I don't believe that eliminating cell towers is an immediate or practical solution, I focus on equipping people with empowering solutions that will help them stay healthy. By using these products not just in our homes, but also our workplaces, schools, hospitals, etc. we can have a tremendous impact on the health of our global family.

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"I don't believe that eliminating cell towers is an immediate or practical solution"

There is no other way to save biological life on Earth from the effects of non native EMF. Insect populations are down 75% - 100% already after just 30 years of consumer cell phones. Bees are officially extinct in several US states now. Everything is dying.

What you are doing is measuring only HALF the equation: the impracticability of abandoning this very recent technology. You are not measuring the OTHER half of the equation which is the consequences of NOT abandoning this very recent technology.

We already know that society can function perfectly well without cell towers, wifi or smartphones because that's how we all lived in the mid 1990's. Nobody felt inconvenienced. Nobody felt life without wireless tech was impractical. As cell phones were introduced most people regarded the new cell phones as anti social, unnecessary and annoying. People who spoke on a cell phone in public were regarded as anti social. People who used them on a train were regarded as rude by other passengers.

Fast forward 30 years (the blink of an eye) and everyone now agrees that wireless tech is stealing their life (quite apart from the biological effects) and many people are now ditching their smart gadgets for the sake of improving their mental health and quality time.

So there really is no reason why we can't reject this technology and revert back to 1990's culture (but with 2020's internet speeds and computing power). People with EHS have been forced to abandon this tech already, and we will all be EHS eventually which means we will all have to abandon it sooner or later anyway.

To NOT abandon this technology right now is far more impractical, because it will further destroy everyone's mental health, fracture society, destroy consciousness and make everyone sick with EMF poisoning. It will continue to sterilise the population and set up whole generations for throat/ brain/ rectal/ testicular cancers which are the fastest growing cancers at the moment (in places where people carry or hold their cell phones). And each year sees a more rapid declines in other species.

So we face a future of mass extinction, crop failures, infertility, cancers and chronic ill health, mental illness, depression, anxiety, insomnia, endocrine disruption and general disease if we don't reject this technology.

How is that scenario any more practical than going back to the lives we lived in the 1990's?

Everything is 'impractical' when you only look at half the equation. Getting out of bed in the morning and going to work is impractical, but it is less impractical that staying in bed and losing your job, home and means to buy food.

The BEST CASE SCENARIO we can expect if we all put stock in mitigation gizmos is that we put off the decision to ditch this technology for maybe another decade, by which time it will be even more integrated into our daily lives, more expensive to decommission and harder to replace with wired alternatives. And putting it off any longer will mean more animals will go extinct and more humans will get sick, infertile, disabled or terminally ill.

The Rockefeller allopathic model of 'disease management' (AKA 'healthcare') is to buy products which claim to suppress symptoms, rather than to address the root cause(s) of ill health (environmental pollution, diet, lifestyle etc).

Gizmos claiming to suppress EMF symptoms (rather than address the root cause) follow the same Rockefeller model.

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Spot on! Gizmos are wasting our time, money and faith. The ONLY way out is absolute rejection of unnatural electro-magnetic radiation. I suspect that these people KNOW that too and are part of the problem.

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This was so good, Lauren! I also am an apocaloptimist! I’m curious how these products compared to your experience with Blueshield - of course not to disparage their products, but curious what differences you experienced as I’ve purchased a bunch of their products and curious how these differ? Is it a feeling? Thank you! 🧬 📱 💖

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15Author

Hey Carlen! I still use my BluShield device along side these products, they can be used in conjunction and work differently. BluShield emits a scalar wave that the body can tune into, instead of the wavelength of the EMF. BluShield is great, and backed by research into blood cell quality.

EMF Solutions products create a vibrational field that allows the body's cells to function normally in the presence of EMFs. EMF Solutions is an earth-based frequency -- it's using natural materials, rather than an electronically-produced frequency like BluShield. If I could only have one EMF product at this point, it would be the Home Harmonizer box from EMF Solutions.

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Thank you so much for explaining the differences! I really loved your interview and I will look into this brand more! Super appreciative of your explanation and so glad you are finding relief!!! :)

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Do you know if the tablet chips can be used over a tablet case or do they have to be directly on the tablet? Thank you.

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Hi Missy! It's best to have the chips directly touching the tablet (or laptop or phone, etc.). The metal acts as a conduit to transmit the vibrational field created by the chips.

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"We have what we need to heal everything."

Yes. We do, and it's bankrupting me to death.

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Thank you!

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Thanks Lauren,

I want to try these products. I’m using a bed canopy and a wired Ethernet connection instead of a wifi router but living in the city I don’t think it’s enough. Corey says one thing that contradicts what other emf experts have told me regarding metal blocking the radiation. Corey says that metal scrambles and disorganizes the signal and doesn’t really block it. If this is true it invalidates all basic shielding principles and I’ve been misled.

So you can test the results with a meter? I’ve had doubts about “harmonizing” devices because usually you have to go on faith. I’m not as sensitive as you to the radiation so I may not be able to tell if a device is working.

Very interesting what he says about Starlink.

In any case I’m happy that you’re sharing about this Lauren and I love your writing, thanks.

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