Supposedly the ancient Chinese paid doctors when the patients were well, not when they were sick. By one account:

Historically in China, each village was under the care of one doctor. In return, they took care of him (fed him, clothed him, etc.). What's so different about this from the exchange that goes on in modern healthcare? The traditional Chinese doctor's job was to keep the village from getting sick in the first place. Once people got sick, they were unable to support the doctor. It made more sense for him to keep them well than to wait until they were sick.

I don't know if this is true, but it would certainly reverse the incentives.

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May 19ยทedited May 19

it would be good if we had a quack in town. unfortunately it are all spreaders of misinformation and needle pushers.

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Terms of endearment!!

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If they actually healed people that would be a miracle.

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I have discovered Ayurveda 4 years ago. After taking a deep dive into its history, I was absolutely amazed. Why did I not find this much earlier? Why is it so "hidden" from the public?

With the help of an ayurvedic doctor I have solved 2 health problems, that no one else could help me with before. No meds or surgery were needed. Change of lifestyle, change of what I eat and what not, a few natural herbes, daily yoga and meditation. I literally feel 30 years younger!

I had been so conditioned to only look at and only believe Western medicine, that I was blinding myself to other options. But now, my eyes and my mind are wide open! Think about it, there is an entire UNIVERSE full of "stuff". We haven't even discovered 1% yet, but are being told there is only one way to heal our xyz problem.

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