Jun 16Liked by Lauren Geertsen

advertizing and propaganda are only needed for unnecessary and bad products. If a product is good, word of mouth will do the work ! All these things in the store 'as seen on TV' I pass by looking the other way !

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Jun 16Liked by Lauren Geertsen

Fabulous! Keep on keeping on, Lauren!

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Love your 'thank you" list. Through '21, '22, '23, I had to repeat to myself, daily, sometimes more than once a day, "Perfect love casteth out fear". Don't need that reminder any more. Might possibly, conceivably be related to my finally getting around to reading the Bible in its entirety (just finished Daniel an hour ago).

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I will not thank them. I will not be grateful to them. I cannot because they are responsible for millions of deaths and will be responsible for the death and disabling of billions. Sorry. I do understand where you're coming from and I am grateful that people are waking up but, as the scriptures say, "The Son of man goeth as it is written but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed".

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